Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer loves to talk about abortion. The Democrat who won re-election by kicking multiple Republican challengers off the ballot will bring up “reproductive rights” regardless of what’s happening in the world.
Wages stagnating while inflation makes groceries unaffordable? She’ll tell you that abortion will lead to jobs.
Did an illegal immigrant kill one of your neighbors? We need to make sure they have housing and reproductive rights.
She may only have one song, but Joe Biden loves to hear it. That’s why he wanted to replace Kamala Harris with Whitmer, and that’s why she’s become one of the president’s favorite surrogates on the stump.
Well, one of the reasons.
The Washington Examiner reported that the Michigan governor recently took her one-hit wonder show to the road, heading to Wisconsin to rally Democrats on the only topic she ever seems to discuss.
Wisconsin, a swing state, is one of the most coveted for the 2024 election. Democrats are hoping to capitalize on support for abortion rights that has led to victories for Democrats across the country in recent years. The timing of the governors’ meeting may have been purposeful, coming shortly before the second-year anniversary of the repeal of Roe v. Wade.
Speaking about Trump and his impact on the landmark reversal, Whitmer said, “We know that the first term was devastating. The prospect of a second one … just shakes me to my core,” per the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “All of these are extended on the same fundamental right and that is substantive due process.”
Whitmer and Evers warned that a Trump victory would result in him signing a national abortion ban.
“It’s really important to remind people that if Donald Trump gets a second term in the White House, he has already committed to signing a national abortion ban,” Whitmer said. “Biden is the only person on the ballot who would win the White House and will protect these fundamental rights.”
Trump has said on multiple occasions that he does not support a national abortion ban, believing it to be a state issue.
While Democrats insist on continuing to fight over Roe v Wade, voters in the Midwest continue to move away from Biden’s culture war, choosing the candidates that talk about the economy.
A recent survey by the best pollster in Iowa could signal a massive sea change in the Midwest against Biden. Ann Selzer, an “A+” pollster according to experts, released a new poll in the bellwether state of Iowa.
“Fifty percent of Iowa voters who responded to the survey say they will vote for Trump, against 32% who say they’ll support Biden, the poll finds, which is not much of a surprise, since Iowa has become increasingly Republican in recent cycles.
The former president’s big lead could nonetheless be a bad sign for Biden’s support in other midwestern states he must win in order to secure a second term. While Iowa is not considered a swing state, there has in the past been some correlation between Trump’s lead there, and his support in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan – all states that Biden is targeting to win.
Trump’s 18-point lead in Iowa could signal a significant loss in support for Biden elsewhere in the midwest, but there is a big caveat: we are still a ways away from the November election, and though Selzer is considered the best pollster in the Hawkeye state, there’s plenty of time for voters’ sentiments to change,” wrote The Guardian.
Trump 50-32 in Iowa in the Selzer poll.
I don’t think it would be exaggeration to say that this is the worst poll Biden has ever gotten. It’s jaw-droppingly bad.
If Selzer says T+18 in Iowa, that means the upper Midwest will go red, even w smaller margins. pic.twitter.com/4mgnJDwoIw
— Max Meyer (@mualphaxi) June 17, 2024
In 2020, while Democrats believed they were cruising to an easy victory, Selzer’s poll, at first criticized and mocked, revealed the truth: the election was close.
The Des Moines Register explained what happened. “The final Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, conducted by Selzer & Co. from Oct. 26-29, found President Donald Trump was ahead by 7 percentage points in Iowa, 48% to 41%.
The final poll was released Saturday evening, three days before Election Day, to a skeptical crowd of political junkies, some of whom howled their disapproval on social media.
The Iowa Poll also showed a distinct Republican tilt among likely voters in U.S. House races. Statewide, 45% of likely Iowa voters preferred Republican candidates for the U.S. House, and 39% preferred Democrats, the poll of 814 likely voters found….By Wednesday afternoon, three of Iowa’s House races had been called. All three went in the direction the poll numbers indicated.”
Trump went one to win Iowa easily, only losing to Biden by small margins across the Midwest.
Never too early to eat crow! I questioned the eminent @DMRegister pollster Ann Seltzer’s final Iowa survey, which was an outlier. She was right. I was wrong. My apologies.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) November 4, 2020
“They think that what happened in the last election will be constant. And public opinion, by its very nature, is not constant,” she said. “The makeup of the electorate changes enough that you can be blinded from the freight train that’s coming right toward you if your head is turned around looking backward at what happened before.”
If Selzer is again on the ball, Biden may want to consider talking about something other than abortion, and soon.
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