Despite reassurances that he’s up to the task of the presidency, there continues to be a lot of concern over Biden’s age since he announced his candidacy for re-election. The oldest president in history, the White House has done everything it can to help the doddering president doesn’t embarrass himself and the nation more than he already does.
Earlier in the week, however, Biden accidentally revealed that the press corps is doing all they can to help mask the president’s mental deficiencies.
The New York Post reports that “a cheat sheet held by President Biden during a Wednesday press conference revealed that the 80-year-old commander-in-chief had advance knowledge of a question from a journalist.
‘How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?’ read a question from Los Angeles Times reporter Courtney Subramanian.
The revelation came during a joint press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol that discussed growing nuclear threats from North Korea — as the nations celebrate the 70th anniversary of their alliance.
Another cheat sheet held the names of other Biden administration officials to show the order in which remarks would be delivered at the press conference.
Biden and the reporter received condemnation for appearing to work together by giving the president advanced notice on which questions will be asked.
“The LA Times needs to investigate this. No WH reporter would ever tell me what question they intended to ask POTUS. It would be unethical – not to mention soft – to do so,” former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer tweeted. “The Times and this reporter have explaining to do.”
The LA Times needs to investigate this.
No WH reporter would ever tell me what question they intended to ask POTUS. It would be unethical – not to mention soft – to do so.
The Times and this reporter have explaining to do. https://t.co/7LGyl04KCz
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) April 26, 2023
“This reporter needs to be fired by the end of the day, right? @latimes, do you have any standards?” Townhall columnist Derek Hunter asked.
This reporter needs to be fired by the end of the day, right? @latimes, do you have any standards? https://t.co/af7bkWAUY7
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) April 26, 2023
Another commentator noted that it had been a long time since the president took questions in the first place.
It’s worth noting Biden hasn’t taken questions in months and the first time he does it’s with the shield of a foreign leader with only pre-planned questions.
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) April 27, 2023
Both CNN and The Washington Post defended both the president and the reporter.
CNN, of course, claimed that Republicans were “seizing” upon the issue. Twitchy wrote, “Welp, good news folks, even CNN covered it … as only they can.
Watch this hot mess of ridiculousness.”
CNN: Republicans "seizing" on reporters asking Biden scripted questions pic.twitter.com/BlylBM5A3p
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 27, 2023
Wapo offered more context: “For many years, White House press employees have routinely polled reporters about their priorities and interests in advance of news meetings to anticipate what their boss might be asked when he or she appears on the podium. The practice is also common in news conferences with cabinet secretaries, such as the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State.
‘Every White House press office will try to go around and take the temperature’ of reporters, said a veteran White House reporter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because his employer had not authorized him to comment. ‘They want to look smart in preparing their boss for what we’ll throw at him.’
But they did not defend the L.A. Times, either, saying that the president getting the question in advance would be “bad form.”
Stephen Miller, a writer at The Spectator, who has argued that this should be a major media scandal, pointed out that if that were the case, there should be plenty of examples from the Trump administration, right?
And yet. https://t.co/Hh2MOqMbrJ
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) April 27, 2023
For some reason, those examples haven’t appeared.
Today, Biden didn’t get prewritten questions but instead was asked questions by children of reporters as part of a “take your child to work day.”
The ten-year-olds showed why the president needs the questions in advance.
When asked, the president couldn’t recall the last country he had visited. (He visited Ireland last week)
Joe Biden couldn't remember the last country he visited.
A literal child had to remind him. pic.twitter.com/rHToAMSYgy
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) April 27, 2023
Nor could he remember where his grandchildren lived.
A little girl just fact-checked Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/S75TN2zLBm
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) April 27, 2023
The Washington Free Beacon noted, “Biden faces the lowest support from within his own party for a second term among modern presidents. Just 38 percent of Democrats said the party should nominate Biden for reelection, compared with 57 percent who want to find another candidate, according to an average of polls conducted throughout his term published by the Washington Post on Monday. Former president Donald Trump had 70 percent of the Republican Party’s support for a second term run.”
[Read More: Tucker Finally Responds]