When Democrats tell you what their priorities are and who they care out, you should listen. That’s what happened earlier in the week when Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy went on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes” to discuss the ongoing debate over the current immigration deal being pushed in Congress.
Liberal host Chris Hayes asked Murphy about the bill’s failure, complaining that the negotiations had been “entirely” on the GOP’s terms by excluding Democrats’ desperate desire for a “path to citizenship.”
That’s when the Connecticut senator appeared to say “the quiet part out loud.”
The Daily Caller noted that Murphy stated the “play” for Democrats to include a path to citizenship has “failed” within the last “30 years” which has neglected to deliver for the undocumented Americans whom they “care about most.” The Connecticut senator stated that due to the alarming increase of illegal migrants crossing over Americans “reality” has changed around the views on the border crisis.
“Well, I mean, Chris, that’s been a failed play for 20 years. So you are right that that has been the democratic strategy for 30 years, maybe, and it has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country,” Murphy stated.
“This is also not 2013 any longer, when we ran that play last. Back then, there were a couple hundred people showing up every day applying for asylum. Today, on some days there are 8,000. And the reality is that the bulk of this country does not think that’s right or sustainable and wants us to change the reality at the border.”
“So I know there’s a temptation for Democrats, and I know you weren’t looking for this argument, but I think there is a temptation to just run the same play we always run, because we know how to run it. But when it hasn’t worked, and when the country is actually demanding that we do something to make the border more manageable, I think we do have a right and a responsibility to adjust to that reality,” Murphy stated.
🚨 Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy admits Democrats' "strategy" on immigration "has failed to deliver for the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country," so they're adjusting it pic.twitter.com/IPXCh0WQi2
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 8, 2024
Fox News noted that Murphy’s comments “went viral.”
“This is what they call giving away the entire game,” former Trump senior advisor and immigration hawk Stephen Miller said. “This is why Democrats angrily oppose every enforcement measure. This is why Democrats bitterly oppose detention and deportation. This is why Joe Biden and the Democrats eradicated the border and orchestrated the invasion.”
Andrew Klavan was more succinct:
Points for clarity and honesty. Points off for wicked anti-American dirtbaggery. https://t.co/rSMNe6xRVh
— Andrew Klavan (@andrewklavan) February 8, 2024
Katie Pavlich said the comments revealed why the bill failed.
Democrats want to “rescue” “undocumented Americans.”
Ridiculous and exactly why Republicans refused to go along with their scheme. https://t.co/fj5HiS8eiK
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) February 8, 2024
The news channel wrote, “Center for Immigration Studies director of policy studies Jessica Vaughan told FOX News Digital, ‘It’s stunning to hear a United States senator declare that his top priority is to accommodate people from other countries who broke our laws to get here, not to give relief to the citizens in his state who are forced to underwrite all of the costs associated with the border crisis that was instigated by Joe Biden.’
She went on to suggest that his comments ‘help explain the problems with the Senate bill,’ and that ‘it was not a border security bill at all, it was a bill to codify the disastrous catch and release policies of the last three years and issue work permits even faster to an unlimited number of illegal migrants.’
Senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center Simon Hankinson slammed the recently failed senate border bill as having been a “wish list” for Democrats and “one step forward and five steps back” for those seeking a secure border.
‘I think Murphy grasps the political reality that most Americans don’t support open borders and an unlimited international right to migrate anywhere you want,” he told Fox News Digital. ‘If they keep forcing Americans to assume an endless burden on education, healthcare, police, social services, and their tax liability, it may not be an electoral winner. Look at New York, Chicago, Denver, Boston.'”
In December, over 300,000 migrants were processed at the southern border, a population the size of Pittsburgh, which set a record for most ever
Over the past two years, Democratic mayors of major urban centers have criticized Biden’s immigration policies, including New York Mayor Eric Adams, who claimed that the city was “full.”
Unlike Christopher Murphy, who spends most of his time in Washington, the mayors believe their constituents are who they should care about the most.
[Read More: The Seven Words That Ended The Biden Presidency]