Over time, the 2004 election in which George W. Bush defeated John Kerry looks better and better. The former Obama Secretary of State and senator from Massachusetts has long been accused of holding sympathies for those who have called for the destruction of the United States, but now a whistleblower claims that Kerry not only holds them, but in one circumstance while working in the Obama cabinet, he acted on them.
Kerry allegedly prevented the Department of Justice and FBI from arresting Iranian terrorists on American soil out of concern that it would risk the Iran nuclear deal, a toothless agreement that was later scrapped by the Trump administration after Iran refused to follow it.
Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken laying out the charges.
“Unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures provided to our offices show that while the Obama/Biden administration publicly committed to ‘prevent[ing]” Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons by raising the cost of Iran’s defiance of the international community,’ then-Secretary of State John Kerry actively interfered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executing arrest warrants on individuals in the U.S. illegally supporting Iranian efforts, including financial efforts, to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and its ballistic missile program.”
“The records show that Justice Department and FBI leadership, to include then-Attorney General Lynch and then-FBI Director Comey, failed to take the necessary steps to stop Kerry’s obstructive efforts against law enforcement,” the missive continues.
A 2015 email exchange between two FBI agents, included in the letter to Congress, reveals one agent informing the other that the agency would need to wait until the Obama administration concluded its negotiations with Iran before arresting Iranian terrorists in the United States, The National Review reported.
“We are all beside ourselves on asking the field to stand down on a layup arrest, however as it stands right now we all have to sit back and wait until the US and Iran negotiations resolve themselves,” one of the agents wrote. “We will continue to argue for aggressive action, however we will probably lose.”
Unclassified email records, according to the letter, “detailed at least eight instances connected to the Iran deal where the ‘FBI/DOJ/USG could have moved forward with these cases but the State Department chose to block them’” and that, “in six of these instances, the FBI lost the opportunity to arrest the main subject.” One of those lost subjects “was noted to be ‘on the Terrorism Watch List’ and another ‘returned to Iran,’” while in another instance, “the State Depart ‘blocked [FBI’s] plan to arrest while the subject was mid-flight and the subject was forced to leave the US immediately upon arrival.’”
Other emails cited in the letter show FBI officials working to overcome the State Department’s interference in the DOJ’s attempts to arrest those working for Iran.
“An unclassified email from April 28, 2016, stated that, ‘State has been blocking FBI actions where State has had a role for approval or concurrence — visas, lure ops primarily. We have prepared a package of several cases blocked by State and have been working it up the FBI/DOJ/State chain over the past 6 months,’” the letter reads. “The email also noted, ‘DOJ was surprised by this a bit because extraditions are ministerial functions and not something State would/should block.’”
The letter also noted that Kerry’s actions to obstruct law enforcement became so serious that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Kerry about the issue.
“The records provided to our offices show that the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department, under the leadership of John Kerry, actively and persistently interfered with FBI operations pertaining to lawful arrests of known terrorists, members of Iranian proliferation networks, and other criminals providing material support for Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs,” the letter said. “The records also show that DOJ and FBI leadership apparently allowed it to happen until the Trump administration altered course.”
At one point, according to reports, Kerry became so worried about being confronted by the attorney general that he ran away from a White House meeting to avoid her.
Read this letter.
Whistleblowers’ emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal.
He even ran away from a White House meeting to avoid getting confronted by the Attorney General. pic.twitter.com/MuPUqWOA4n
— Gabriel Noronha (@GLNoronha) May 22, 2024
After giving Kerry a cushy job in his administration and allowing alleged Iranian spies to work in the Pentagon and State Department, writes The Federalist, “Iranian appeasement has remained at the heart of the Biden administration’s foreign policy following eight years of a similar strategy embraced by former President Barack Obama. On Tuesday, the Biden State Department even offered “condolences” for the recent death of Iran’s terrorist president.
In 2016, the final year of Obama’s presidency, the federal government airlifted $400 million in cash to Iran in a covert operation as four Americans were released from Tehran.
‘The money represented the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran to resolve a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed just before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi,’ reported The Wall Street Journal. ‘The settlement, which resolved claims before an international tribunal in The Hague, also coincided with the formal implementation that same weekend of the landmark nuclear agreement reached between Tehran, the U.S. and other global powers the summer before.’
Last September, the Biden White House agreed to pay a $1.3 billion-per-prisoner ransom to Iran in an apparent “prisoner swap” wherein the U.S. released spies caught trying to steal military equipment for the world’s lead state sponsor of terror.”
Money is not the only thing Biden has gifted Iran. In 2022, the president moved to take away the terrorist label from one of Iran’s most powerful military units, which has performed and supported terrorist attacks against American troops.
Earlier in the year, the Biden White House gave the go-ahead to Iran to attack Israel, America’s oldest ally in the region.
[Read More: Biden’s Disaster Is Only Going To Get Worse]